


  • 片名:
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Lena/Headey/Thomas/Dekker/Summer/Glau/
  • 导演:Jeffrey/G./Hunt/
  • 年份:2008
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-11-19 21:46
  • 简介:TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES picks up its second season with SARAH CONNOR (Lena Headey) hunting the future in present day Los Angeles, hoping to stop the impending apocalypse and change fate for her son JOHN (Thomas Dekker). While the ever-evolving technological enemy grows stronger, 16-year-old John begins taking the steps necessary to embrace his destiny as the savior of mankind. John finds himself caught between his fearless protector, the beautiful but potentially dangerous cyborg, CAMERON (Summer Glau), and his new friend, RILEY (Leven Rambin), who represents freedom but also a potential risk to his safety. John's uncle, DEREK REESE (Brian Austin Green), continues to fight alongside the Connors, but has he overstayed his welcome? After CROMARTIE (Garret Dillahunt), the T-888 sent from the future, spared FBI Agent JAMES ELLISON's (Richard T. Jones) life, Ellison has become a believer, accepting that "no one is ever safe." Agent Ellison is now bent on understanding his role and his purpose. CATHERINE WEAVER (Shirley Manson), CEO of Zeira Corp, may just know where to find the answers Ellison is looking for. In Season Two, life for the Connors intensifies as their relationships are challenged and the present and the future begin to become one. How long can Cameron protect them before they're discovered by Skynet? How will the Connors keep their family intact? ============================================ 《终结者外传》第二季还将继续着上一季的故事,Sarah Connor(Lena Headey饰)将在今天的洛杉矶为人类的未来而战,期望着能阻止不久就将来到的审判日以及改变自己儿子John(Thomas Dekker饰)的命运。 随着终结者机器人的不断进化和强化,16岁的John也逐渐开始接受自己作为人类救世主的命运。同时,他还发现自己陷入了两个女孩的中间——一个是被送来保护他的Cameron(Summer Glau饰),漂亮但却可能对John的安全有潜在威胁,毕竟Cameron也是一个终结者;而另一个是John的新朋友Riley(Leven Rambin饰),她的出现似乎象征了John所追求的自由,但同样也可能给John带来威胁。而John的叔叔Derek Reese(Brian Austin Green饰)则继续和他们两母子并肩作战,但似乎Derek已经不那么受欢迎了。 另一方面,在和T-888型终结者 Cromartie(Garret Dillahunt饰)面对面并且逃过一命之后,FBI探员James Ellison(Richard T. Jones)开始深信Sarah的那句话:“没有人是绝对安全的。”Ellison探员现在明确了自己的目标,而Catherine Weaver(Shirley Manson饰),一个神秘公司的CEO,很有可能知道在哪里能找到Ellison追求的目标。 在第二季,Sarah一家人的生活越来越惊险,因为随着时间的推进,“现在”和“未来”在逐渐的合而为一。在“天网”发现John的行踪之前,Cameron还能保护他们多久?而John一家人能安全无恙么?《终结者外传》第二季将呈现更多的精彩。
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TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES picks up its second season with SARAH CONNOR (Lena Headey) hunting the future in present day Los Angeles, hoping to stop the impending apocalypse and change fate for her son JOHN (Thomas Dekker). While the ever-evolving technological enemy grows stronger, 16-year-old John begins taking the steps necessary to embrace his destiny as the savior of mankind. John finds himself caught between his fearless protector, the beautiful but potentially dangerous cyborg, CAMERON (Summer Glau), and his new friend, RILEY (Leven Rambin), who represents freedom but also a potential risk to his safety. John's uncle, DEREK REESE (Brian Austin Green), continues to fight alongside the Connors, but has he overstayed his welcome? After CROMARTIE (Garret Dillahunt), the T-888 sent from the future, spared FBI Agent JAMES ELLISON's (Richard T. Jones) life, Ellison has become a believer, accepting that "no one is ever safe." Agent Ellison is now bent on understanding his role and his purpose. CATHERINE WEAVER (Shirley Manson), CEO of Zeira Corp, may just know where to find the answers Ellison is looking for. In Season Two, life for the Connors intensifies as their relationships are challenged and the present and the future begin to become one. How long can Cameron protect them before they're discovered by Skynet? How will the Connors keep their family intact? ============================================ 《终结者外传》第二季还将继续着上一季的故事,Sarah Connor(Lena Headey饰)将在今天的洛杉矶为人类的未来而战,期望着能阻止不久就将来到的审判日以及改变自己儿子John(Thomas Dekker饰)的命运。 随着终结者机器人的不断进化和强化,16岁的John也逐渐开始接受自己作为人类救世主的命运。同时,他还发现自己陷入了两个女孩的中间——一个是被送来保护他的Cameron(Summer Glau饰),漂亮但却可能对John的安全有潜在威胁,毕竟Cameron也是一个终结者;而另一个是John的新朋友Riley(Leven Rambin饰),她的出现似乎象征了John所追求的自由,但同样也可能给John带来威胁。而John的叔叔Derek Reese(Brian Austin Green饰)则继续和他们两母子并肩作战,但似乎Derek已经不那么受欢迎了。 另一方面,在和T-888型终结者 Cromartie(Garret Dillahunt饰)面对面并且逃过一命之后,FBI探员James Ellison(Richard T. Jones)开始深信Sarah的那句话:“没有人是绝对安全的。”Ellison探员现在明确了自己的目标,而Catherine Weaver(Shirley Manson饰),一个神秘公司的CEO,很有可能知道在哪里能找到Ellison追求的目标。 在第二季,Sarah一家人的生活越来越惊险,因为随着时间的推进,“现在”和“未来”在逐渐的合而为一。在“天网”发现John的行踪之前,Cameron还能保护他们多久?而John一家人能安全无恙么?《终结者外传》第二季将呈现更多的精彩。


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